Sunday, August 23, 2009

What is Malware Alarm 2.1 on my computer?? it says it found 152 threats incld. trojan virus etc.?

i recently got off my virus protection program...but this pop up is showing and its been affecting my internet speed a lil...anyway, please tell me if i click 'yes scan and remove viruses' or just click out of it and continue on. its hard to tell whether its a good thing or a virus?? help

What is Malware Alarm 2.1 on my computer?? it says it found 152 threats incld. trojan virus etc.?computers

Do Not Click on that link, Try the following ;

Download and update the avg antivirus and download the spyware doctor below the shut your computer down and restart it and tap the F-8 key repeatedly while the system starts up and select safe mode and run the avg and the spyware doctor while in safe mode, This will catch it so you can remove it,

This is very good tool and I recommend it to keep your pc in good running condition,

Windows Advanced Care , This tool will keep your computer running good and you can see the startup programs to help you understand what runs in the startup programs; It also includes a registry cleaner and spyware removal,, It also imunizes your computer against the attcks we face each time we go on the internet Just run it once a day and your worrys are much less,

Here is a very good tool called Winpatrol and it monitors your computer for programs that try to run on your system without your knowlege, This tool also allows you to manage all the startup programs on your computer,, It also warns you if a program tries to run without your permission, I use this software and I recommend it,

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