Friday, August 21, 2009

Direct Tv Tivo receiver died. Is there a way to retrieve my recorded shows?

Our Direct Tv receiver with Tivo died, 3 years from date of purchase. I am not so concerned about all the PPV movies. If they were that good I would have bought them. I REALLY want the Planet Earth series from the Discovery Channel off of it though.

Are there any options? We have newer Desk-top %26 Lap top computers, flash drives, cd/dvd burners, also Direct TV diagnosed this death and we had them sent us a leased unit. (Not going to buy another if that's all the longer last) The leased unit is not Tivo however (compatability issue?). They no longer offer that.

Also what do you recomend for future protection? Downloading shows onto VCR as back-up?

Please respond / instruct in plain english. I am not a total computer / tech idiot but some of you guys speak a bizzare language of your own! (LOL) Thanks in advance!

I will reward best answer. I follow yahoo answers daily!

Direct Tv Tivo receiver died. Is there a way to retrieve my recorded shows?computer

mraudio is corrrect with what he mentions here. There IS another possibilty also but it would require you purchasing another (EXACT same model) DirecTV Tivo from places like Ebay. Once you purchase another DirecTV Tivo you can install the hard drive from your old unit into the new unit. Then ALL you had saved (UNLESS IT IS THE HARD DRIVE THAT DIED) would still be there for you to watch.

As he mentioned also the DirecTV Tivo units can be MODIFIED legally with the necessary software from and look for their InstantCake 6.2a software and PTVnet software. Once both of these have been installed on a NEW hard drive you can network it to your homes wired/wireless network so you can transfer the shows/movies to the PC quickly.

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